NFT Utility

Bring Your NFTs to Life

Bring NFT Utility now, not later! Your holders are clamoring for updates but your time and budget is limited. What do you do? Let us create an ETH NFT connected metaverse on the Core Games platform. We can create an interactive game experience utilizing characteristics of your NFT project in a fraction of the time and budget a of traditionally built game. See your NFT project come to life in weeks, not months!

NFT Emblem for NFT Utility by Corsair Studios
NFT fighters feature image by Corsair Studios

Gamify Your NFTs

Allow your NFT holders to compete against each other and AI enemies using stats based upon their NFT traits. We can take the metadata from your NFT collection and use it to create the stats for a game we design together.

Gamify Your NFTs

Allow your NFT holders to compete against each other and AI enemies using stats based upon their NFT traits. We can take the metadata from your NFT collection and use it to create the stats for a game we design together.

NFT fighters feature image by Corsair Studios
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